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The Secret Guru

There was some time ago, lived a couple who have a comfortable life. Both of them are living happily married. They have a secure job, own a house, car and those common needs you can imagined.

Basically, this couple does not need to worry much about their financial or relatiopnship needs. But after living the same lifestyle for years, they had realized that their life seems to be so routine! It is so predictable, that it seems like something is missing for both of them.

Everyday, they wake up in the morning, go to work, come back from work, go home, eat dinner (sometimes they have to dine outside) watch tv, wash car and go back to sleep. The normal, typical daily stuff. With the money they earned everyday, it would not be possible for them to go for a vacation in overseas a lot, go safaris in Africa or take flying lessons. You know, the lifestyle of the richer group where spending money is not a main concern.

What is missing!!? Their passion in life.

This is because they have not sought the passion in their life with their current financial situation, this is the type of enjoyment they can afford to spend on.

So one day, the wife voiced out that she had enough; enough is enough of this meaningless life, they need to find their passion in life, to enjoy life to the fullest and be better off in financial situation. They know they can achieve more, but do not know why they are not achieving more. Achieving does not mean that they have to be millionaires but in every other expect of life. The husband agreed, and so they set off to find a better lifestyle and seek the passion of their life.

And amazingly, the husband was told by a successful friend of his, that there is a magical success guru living in a far, far away land, on top of the highest mountain where there is a cave. The guru lives in the cave.

The husband was excited with this news and so aft3er much discussion with his wife, they have made a decision. They had made a decision to seek advice from the guru for the secrets of SUCCESS. They took their company leaves, save some money for traveling and set they go.

After months of searching high and low with their determination to seek the answer, finally they found the mountain where the guru lives.

Excited as they are, they make their climbs to the peak of the mountain. It was very hard and tedious, but it is worth the effort. Finally they were at the peak. Overseeing the view of the world from top of the mountain, they felt so confident and peace of mind. Now, their  task is to find the guru. The hard part is:

Where could he be? They think.

Suddenly, they saw an old man, sitting at the end of the mountain rock. It seems very dangerous to sit there, because anyone can fall of anytime down the mountain and break all the bones. Of course, anyone who felt off will probably end up dead with broken bones.

So, the wife whispered to the guru, 'Excuse me, old man, are you the magical success guru that helps people to be successful?'

The guru seemed not be hearing her whisper. He was still sitting uietly at the end of the mountain rock without any movement.

The wife whispered again. Then, the old man turned around and stood up at the end of the mountain rock. This is even more dangerous now, because anyone can lost balance and fall off!

'Be careful, o'wise guru! You can fall down from the mountain rock if you stand so near at the end!' they warned.

But the guru simply ignored what they said. In fact, he replied, 'if you want to speak with me and learn from me, you have to come closer, come stand beside me at the end of the mountain rock, my students-to-be.'

No choice was given if they wanted to learn the secrets of success from the guru but to follow his instruction. With alot of fear, they came close to the guru. Now, the Guru is standing in the middle and both of them were standing on the left and right side of the Guru. All 3 of them are facing outwards of the mountain, they are facing the down slope of the mountain over looking on top of the world. They can fall down the mountain at any time if they are not careful. The husband's and wife's heart were panting non stop.

At this moment they feolt so different, a feeling they never felt before, peace of mind and yet full of anxiety. Looking down the land, they felt really confident. And also a little bit afraid of falling off. It will break their bones if they fall down the mountain.

The husband was thinking, 'Now what?'.

So, he asked the guru the one million dollar question,

'What is the secret of success, o'wise guru?'.

The guru just smiled at them and replied, 'Look at the world beyond below, from here.'

Following the instruction, both of them do as instructed, looking at the world from the top of the mountain. They can see almost everything from the peak of the mountain.

Suddenly, the guru pushed them off the mountain peak!!!

UNBELIEVABLE! Both of them fell.

When they fell, with so much fear of death, suddenly, they realized that they can fly! And they fly.... because they have forgotten that they can fly all this while...

Some people can 'fly' but they had forgotten how to 'fly'
Some people completely do not know they can 'fly'. So they never learned
Some people had 'flew' before, but forgot how to. So they never remembered
Some people know they can fly, but never try beause they are surrounded with F-E-A-R. So they quit.
Some people wanted to see others 'fly' first before they 'fly'. So they waited.
Some people waiting for a mentor to teach them how to fly. So they waitied.
Some people 'flew' before and fell down, so they claimed that 'flying' is dangerous and useless. So they whined and quitted.
BUT, some people are 'flying' everyday, looking from below the sky, overseeing everyone who is not 'flying' just because they had took a step to fly...

I had taken my 'flying' lesson and fell many times. But now, I had discovered my wings again.

Have you started 'flying' yet?

Source: Patrice Chan
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7 steps to finding key players just like Steve Jobs did at Apple.

Jim was the perfect candidate with many years of solid experience as a professional sales rep and had an obvious talent of persuasion and communication skills. But the hiring manager had some strong reservations during the interview. Jim’s strong focus on results “right now” and a certain aggressiveness that could probably overwhelm or upset clients were some of the weaknesses he was concerned about.

In regard to Jim’s focus on the purposes of the company, its role in the community, the vital importance of innovation and unselfish dedication to excellence, he did the perfect job. He sold himself like never before and got hired.

Four months later, Jim was fired for lack of vision, lack of dedication and worst of all, for his lack of honesty.
The manager knew he had to hire “the Steve Jobs way,” but had no real clue as to how to do it. He hired what he saw and what he heard “at the moment.”

Steve Jobs was an amazing and unconventional leader in many respects. His reputation as the best entrepreneur of our time can be summarized in a few words: he and his top execs never compromised with the talents and qualifications required of their employees. He personally interviewed over 5,000 applicants during his career. He and his executives considered very different qualities in people than most business owners do. When you thoroughly analyze Apple’s philosophy of hiring, you find out that there have always been fundamental, un-compromising attributes needed to get a job at Apple, Inc.

You too can apply these attributes when you look at attracting top players and ensure you avoid troublemakers. To help you in the hiring process, here are the main “Apple selection attributes.”

Vision-minded. Everyone joining the company must have a clear picture of its management vision – and fully agree to fight for it, to defend it and to live with it every day. Applicants who do not seem to get it are systematically rejected. When you hire people who don’t seem to agree with, or care about your company vision, you are potentially employing future enemies.

Innovation-minded. Steve Jobs always emphasized the vital importance of hiring people who are innovative – willing to create something from nothing. Applicants are first chosen for their ability and willingness to constantly create, rather than for their technical competence.

Future-minded. Employees at Apple are driven by their leader’s vision of the future and they contribute every day to creating the future, more than just beating the competition. Each of them owns the future of the market because they know they can contribute to creating it. The eagerness to create, not follow the future is a vital attribute observed in top players no matte what the industry.

Passion-minded. Steve Jobs’ first principle is: “Do what you love.” People are hired because they love the product, the company and its vision. Applicants who do not demonstrate a genuine passion and “love” for the company’s purposes and business philosophy will never make it.

Contribution-minded. A statement given by an Apple recruiter is clear enough: “We didn’t want someone who desired to retire with a gold watch. We wanted entrepreneurs, demonstrated winners, high-energy contributors who defined their previous role in terms of what they contributed.”

Engagement-minded. Over two thirds of Americans are not engaged in their workplace. Apple management is strict on employees’ level of commitment. Committed individuals who are inspired by a grand purpose make the whole difference in the most competitive conditions.

Excellence-minded. Steve Jobs was known for his passion of perfection. The company always tries things out until they are perfectly done. The same attitude is expected of every collaborator. Applicants who do not share that passion for excellence do not have a chance.

You will notice that these 7 points enforced in Apple’s personnel selection are all personality-related attributes, also called soft skills. They do not always guarantee performance. But the chance of selecting productive people is at least 200% higher when focusing on these vital soft skills. It is very well known that recruiters who focus on soft skills in their personnel selection process are, on average, 50% more effective in selecting top players.

So, in order to avoid falling in the momentary personality trap – as the hiring manager in the above example did, you should also focus on the following two basic soft skills:

Honesty. Did you know that one third of all business failures in the USA are due to employee theft? Also, 95% of all US companies are victims of theft and yet only 10% ever discover it.

Willingness. According to the US Department of Labor, more than 87% of employee failures are due to unwillingness to do the job. You can’t simply force someone to do something if they do not want to. Such persons will do what you want in order to keep their job or to avoid penalties. But they will not put their heart into it.   

Source: Small Business Opportunities
By Patrick Valtin
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The Path to Sales Success

Many small business people have great ideas for products or services, but don't want to sell or don't know how.  They've defined their target market and how to reach it, and have mastered the financial aspects of running a company. However, often missing is a clear understanding of the sales process - or the willingness and ability to initiate successful sales conversations, and not get stopped by people saying "no."

There is a way to sell that is positive, rewarding and enjoyable.  And it helps handle that fear of rejection as well.  It's called relationship selling, and is the way effective, professional salespeople have always operated.  In fact, Dale Carnegie started delivering this message 78 years ago.

Traditional vs. Relationship Selling
When many small business people think about selling, they have a stereotypical image of the used-car salesman or the aluminum siding huckster as played by Danny DeVito in "The Tin Man."  Characters such as these operate in a win/lose mode - an exchange where the seller tries to trick, persuade or coerce the customer to buy.  In contrast, relationship selling is a win/win game.  If the product or service being sold truly meets the needs of the buyer, both parties benefit as a result of the sale.

Today's customers have become more sophisticated and demanding of higher levels of customer service than ever before.  They want someone they can trust who understands their needs and wants.  
Also keep in mind that the best sources of new business are existing customers and referrals from these customers.  To help ensure the success of your venture, take the time to build relationships with your customers, rather than just focusing on making the immediate sale. 

Build Trust
People tend to do business with those they like and trust.  Look into your own buying experiences.  Have you ever walked away from a transaction because you did not trust the salesperson to deliver what was being promised, or because you just plain didn't like the man or woman?  And conversely, haven't you found yourself going back again and again to do business with helpful and honest salespeople?

How do you build trust in a business environment?  Let your prospects and customers get to know you.  Make sure they understand why you started your business, and why you believe in your product or service.

Another way to build trust is to keep your word.  From follow-up calls to delivering on time, keeping your word can be one of your most powerful sales tools.

Focus on Filling Customers' Needs
The better your product or service fits your customers' needs, the more sales you will have.  When customers know you sincerely care about what they want and need, they will feel secure that they are making the right decision in buying from you.

By clearly identifying the needs of your customers, you can also confirm whether or not they are part of your target market.

Ask Open-Ended Questions
One of the best ways to obtain pertinent details about a customer's needs is to ask questions that elicit information, rather than a simple "yes" or "no."  The classic interview questions are:  who, what, when, where, why and how.  For example, "who will be using this product?", or "when will you be ready to make a decision?".  While you are asking, also respond at appropriate times by linking key product or service benefits with the prospect's stated requirements. The result is an interactive conversation where information is exchanged and both parties expand their knowledge.
Don't be afraid to ask such closed-ended questions.    

Listen More Than You Talk
Something magical happens when people give their undivided attention to others, without interrupting or focusing on what they are going to say next.  This is true whether the environment is professional or personal.  However, it is often overlooked in the context of establishing a business relationship, much to the detriment of the seller. After all, if you do all the talking, you will never learn anything about your prospect.
When you listen more than you talk, customers realize you are genuinely interested in them, and that you are trying to understand their specific situation.  

Useful Selling Techniques
You can focus on building trust all day,  but if you don't ask for what you want, you still won't make the sale. For example, you might have made a good connection with a fellow industry organization member, but there will be no possibility of a sale unless you spend some time discussing how the two of you might have a match.  In a retail environment, it could be as simple as introducing yourself to customers, rather than staying behind the counter and ignoring their presence.

Another traditional technique is understanding and using body language.   Knowing how to interpret prospects' folded arms or eye contact could give you much-needed information about how comfortable they are with you, or how ready they are to make a purchase decision.
It is well known that communication is 50 percent body language, 40 percent tone of voice, and 10 percent the actual words used.

Dealing with Rejection
One of the main reasons small business owners dislike selling is that they don't like to get rejected.  This is a basic and very understandable human reaction.  However, excluding financial considerations, people generally say "no" for one of three basic reasons:  they don't like you, they don't trust you, or what you are offering is not what they want or need.  Aside from the fact that not everybody will like you, if you have done your job, focused on building trust, and made sure that there is a fit between you and the prospect, you will rarely hear "no."  At worst, the timing will not be quite right, or you may be referred to other people who might respond positively.

A Different Framework for Selling
When selling in a context of building healthy relationships, you are operating as an ethical, considerate and helpful human being.  You are also building your communication and other personal development skills.  This is not only satisfying, but also quite effective in creating a steady stream of sales for your business.

Steps in the Sales Process
Whatever your setting, and whether you sell a product or service, the following steps are the ones you should use.
  1. Know your product or service. Before you even have a preliminary conversation with a prospect, it is essential that you clearly understand what attributes make your product or service unique or desirable, and why people should want what you have to offer.
  2. Make initial contact. The actual sales conversations with people in your target market begin when you start letting them get to know you, and vice versa.
  3. Exchange information. This step consists of meeting with your prospects, asking them questions, uncovering their needs, giving them information about your product or service, and determining how it might fill those stated needs.  Don't be afraid to acknowledge gaps in your knowledge or understanding; such sincerity comes through in a positive way.
  4. Propose a solution. Once you have ascertained that there is a good fit between you and the prospect, you can propose how your product or service would specifically solve a problem or handle a need.  By understanding the features and benefits of competing products or services, you can also prove at this point how what you offer is better.
  5. Confirm the sale. Rather than focusing on "closing the sale," a term that indicates the end of the process, confirming the sale means you are reviewing the customer's willingness and ability to make a commitment.  It is a natural extension of a sales relationship built on a foundation of trust, respect and rapport.
  6. Deliver. Although actually delivering your product or service is not technically part of the sales process, it is a very critical step.  If you don't deliver, you don't have a sale.  In addition, during this step you have an excellent opportunity to continue to build trust and cement your relationship with your client. 
  7. Follow up.  This is the time to find out how your client likes your product or service.  This stage provides an ideal chance to create repeat business or get referrals to new prospects.  And if there is a problem, you have an opportunity to correct it.
Bringing all of the elements together is critical:  relationship, sales process and expertise.  You could even say that a proper sales relationship strikes a balance between friendship and caring on one hand, and professionalism and knowledge on the other.  We try to always operate from these premises, and it's working! Building Relationships with Clients is Key at ENCOMPASS

When the Answer is No
Even after doing and saying all the right things, you may still get "no" for an answer.  Sometimes this can provide an opportunity to redirect the sales situation or develop a new proposal.  At other times, it just signals that it's best to move on to the next prospect.

Here's what top salespeople suggest doing when the answer is absolutely, positively "no":
  • Thank the prospect for the opportunity to bid for the business.  This basic precept is particularly valuable if you also ask the prospect for feedback.  What factors contributed to the decision?  What did your product or service lack?  What did you do - or not do - that lost the sale?
  • Determine whether to pursue the business further.  Research shows that successful salespeople have more failed calls - calls that end with a "no" from the prospect - than mediocre salespeople.  Successful salespeople know when to walk away.  They've thoroughly explored the prospect's needs, and recognize that the product or service being offered does not meet them.
  • Stay in touch.  If your analysis convinces you to pursue the business, stay in touch with the prospect.  Send articles of interest, or invite the prospect to events that are particularly relevant.  But avoid routine follow-up calls.  Phone only when you have information that meets a specific need the prospect is trying to address.
Qualities of a Sales Professional

Studies have shown that outstanding salespeople share certain traits, whether they run their own business or work for someone else. According to Jim Cathcart, well-known speaker and author of Relationship Selling:
The Key to Getting and Keeping Customers, whether people are professionals isn't determined by the business they are in, but by the way they are in business.

Sales professionals:
  • Are committed to the success of their clients' businesses, as well as their own.
  • Have clearly stated business and life goals.
  • Take time to educate themselves, and are always open to learning how to improve their sales skills.
  • Spend spare time in sales-related activities, whether within their industry or contributing to other entrepreneurs.
  • Take personal responsibility for both their successes and failures, rather than blaming others for any setbacks.
  • Keep track of their progress, including accurate records of conversations with clients and appropriate follow-up times, as well as their level of activity during each step of the sales process.
  • Are determined and persistent, and don't let anything discourage or slow them down.

Article courtesy of *Excerpted with permission from "Small Business Success" magazine, Volume 5, produced by Pacific Bell Directory in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Partners for Small Business Excellence.
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Scommerce: Faceboook The Future of Social Commerce

A group of e-commerce startups, backed by some of the tech world's most pedigreed financiers, are betting that Facebook Inc can become an e-commerce powerhouse to rival Inc and eBay Inc. 

As the world's largest social network hurtles toward a US$5bil (RM15bil) initial public offering, it will come under more pressure from Wall Street to find new sources of profit growth and reduce its reliance on advertising, which accounted for 85% of its 2011 revenue.

"People have always shopped with their friends; now they expect it online," Fisch wrote in a December blog. "Companies who think differently about social will find success."
Fisch declined to comment, but investors said Facebook understands the importance of having an e-commerce strategy.

But despite that huge base, Facebook is primarily a way to connect with friends, and not an online shopper's first destination. Big retailers including J.C. Penney, Gap and Nordstrom had previously set up stores on Facebook but shut them after generating few sales. 

BeachMint co-founder Diego Berdakin said his company had set up a live video event called last holiday season featuring a brief appearance by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's sister, Randi Zuckerberg. For about two hours, they showcased BeachMint products that people could buy with one click.

More than 50,000 Facebook users watched the show and a "huge percentage" bought something, Berdakin said, adding, "At the time, it was the biggest day in our history in terms of sales."

Gross merchandise sales, a measure of the value of products, has been growing about 30% a month, according to Leffel. 
"Social commerce could be bigger than eBay," he argued. 

Courtesy published by TheStar: Facebook e-commerce the next big thing?
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Phablet: The Top Earner for Samsung

Samsung Electronics posted record quarterly profit of US$5.15bil (RM15.45bil), driven by booming sales of its smartphones and the Galaxy Note "phablet," which it hopes will show it has a flair for innovation to match rival Apple Inc.

The Note - part phone, part mini-Tablet - with a throwback stylus and screen half the size of the iPad, has sold more than five million since launching in October, and is proving a surprise money earner for the South Korean electronics giant that has a reputation as a "fast follower" rather than design leader.

The Note sits somewhere between a small Tablet and a big smartphone, and its early success illustrates that a maturing mobile device market can open up new opportunities as users and manufacturers experiment with form. Samsung has driven the Note with its marketing and distribution clout.  

Courtesy published by TheStar: Samsung hits a high note
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Sharing with "Friends of Friends" on Facebook Exposes You to 150,000 People

Well this is mildly terrifying: according to a new Pew study, the Facebook privacy mode a lot of us rely on for photos and status updates is, on average, anything but private. Time to reconsider your settings, everyone.
The finding is staggering—Friends of Friends can hit as many as over seven million people:
Facebook users can reach an average of more than 150,000 Facebook users through their Facebook friends; the median user can reach about 31,000 others. At two degrees of separation (friends-of-friends), Facebook users in our sample can on average reach 156,569 other Facebook users. However, the relatively small number of users with very large friends lists, who also tended to have lists that are less interconnected, overstates the reach of the typical Facebook user. In our sample, the maximum reach was 7,821,772 other Facebook users. The median user (the middle user from our sample) can reach 31,170 people through their friends-of-friends.
When you think friend of a friend, the IRL analogue comes to mind. Your buddy's buddy. That guy you met at a bar who seems okay. Your girlfriend's pals from college. They must be okay people, right? They're so narrowly removed from you, why not share all your photos with them?
Because 150,000+ people includes a hell of a lot of strangers you probably shouldn't trust, and certainly don't (and will never) know personally.

Article from:
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About Mobocop ™ and Eknoworks Super Affiliate

How important is your smartphone? What would it be like losing your smartphone? Do you know 1 in 25 people in Malaysia lose their mobile phone daily. Do you know the implications of losing your smartphone? Not only you lose your valuable priceless phone and contacts, but also potential to suffer from privacy and identity theft and/or potential harrassment from blackmailing or threatening from intrusion of your sensitive and private data such as sms, images and videos.

Mobocop™ is Malaysia's first fully tested Stealth Mobile Anti Theft & Security to secure and recover lost or stolen mobile phone and smartphones. 1 in 25 people in Malaysia reported to have lost or stolen mobile phone. Mobocop is stealth application installed on your smartphone and able to auto protect vital information such as sms, contacts, images & videos. Mobocop™ is an invisible app installed inside your mobile phone. Its purpose is to:

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4. Recover your valuable data after your phone recovered

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